唉…….. 失眠




果然出奇的慢,每次 mouse click 都要三十秒至兩分鐘才有反應,百份之五十的處理器資源正被不知明的程序運用著,不停的掉線,要重新登入……

明顯的表示伺服器被黑;嘿嘿!花掉了約三個小時才把奇怪的處理程序除掉,再做完一次掃毒已是三時四十分,腦袋極度清醒……. 看來很難入睡了,明天第一天上班會是怎樣呢?

Author: kennethheung

Solution Architect for Cloud, Security and Cloud Security.

4 thoughts on “唉…….. 失眠”

  1. Kenneth, I\’m the landlord and have tried to contact you for the last few weeks. your girlfriend did not contact me as you mentioned in our last call. you have already breached the rental contract by not paying the monthly rent since January. I\’ve left you a tel message this morning (Feb 16), pls listen to it and feedback as soon as possible (tel 2837 3899). Don\’t push us to taken further action.Mrs Wong (Landlord)

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