
救命呀~~~~ 又俾人傳染呀~~~~~
Wing, thx n u 2!
bbcar, thx! :p I’m a old man……. mentally over 65 (time for retirement but no $_$ )
yandiaoo, 🙂 bird flu + SARS…..
xyniki, thanks and thx!
xyniki, u 2
Wing, yeap…. working like a dog

Author: kennethheung

Solution Architect for Cloud, Security and Cloud Security.

6 thoughts on “又病”

  1. ◢◣◢◣   ◢◣◢◣  ◥◤  ◥◤ ◥◤  ◥◤  ◢ ∩∩ ◣ ◢ ∩∩ ◣  ◥ > 。 < ◤ ◥ ≧ 。 ≦ ◤●╮ ◤◥◤◥   ◤◥◤◥╭ ○ ╰ ( ◢◣◢◣ ◢◣◢◣(恭喜發財!! 新年進步!!

  2. Uncle, how are u a? U didn\’t update ur site for long time la bor.. I guess u must be very busy lately..But no matter what, U need to take care a..

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