dotnet mvc on Oracle ACCS

In this article, I’m going to briefly walk through how to create and deploy a .net mvc sample app in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.


  • you have an Oracle Cloud account, it can be the promotion trial account
  • you have dotnet core installed on your local machine – I’m using dotnet 2.0.0 on MacOS
  • you have the corresponding editor / tools, e.g. I’m using VS Code.
  1. Launch VS Code and open the embedded Terminal. Alternatively, you can also use your favorite editor and/or the OS Terminal (in Windows, that will be the Command Window).

  2. Create and goto (mkdir/cd)  your desire folder and create the mvc project – I will call the project accssample:

mkdir accssample
cd accssample
dotnet new mvc

Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.04.30 AM.png

  1. Open Program.cs file of the project, add .UseContextRoot( )  and .UseUrls( ) in the CreateDefaultBuilder

.UseUrls("http://*:"+ Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PORT"))
Your program will looks like this
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.14.15 AM

Remember to save the changes.

  1. Use the terminal to update the project dependencies and create a debug build for local testing.
dotnet restore
dotnet build

Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.25.17 AM.png

  1. Test the program locally
export PORT=8080
dotnet run


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Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to test the app locally

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  1. Once we are happy with the app, we can create the release build. We will need to publish to Linux release for ACCS.
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64

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  1. For ACCS to start the program, we will create 2 more files in the distribution (i.e. linux-x64) folder

Right click the linux-x64 folder and choose new file, name the first file as manifest.json

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  1. Enter the contents of manifest and remember to save it. For more info about ACCS manifest, please refer to ACCS documentation

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  1. Repeat the same for the

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  1. In the terminal window, zip the release, and manifest.
cd bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/linux-x64/
zip -rq manifest.json publish

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  1. The application is now ready to deploy to ACCS. We can either use Web GUI, CLI or REST API to deploy the app.

I’ve a small shell script to execute curl to send REST to deploy the app. I also have a deployment.json file to control the memory and number of instance of the app. The deployment json looks like this


this is what I did to deploy the app to ACCS,


Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 1.22.10 PM

and this is what my script looks like – what I actually do is

  • create a storage container
  • put my the zip file in the container
  • create an ACCS app from zip (in storage container)

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  1. We can double check the application deployment from ACCS WebUI (or using CLI / REST API)

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  1. Our sample app is now up and running in ACCS.

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Author: kennethheung

Solution Architect for Cloud, Security and Cloud Security.

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