Oracle Converged DB from REST to Relational

Find out how an Oracle Database supports Machine Learning, Blockchain, Graph, Spatial, JSON, REST among others. There will be a live demo showing examples of the above.

Oracle Converged DB from REST to Relational

In this weeks session, see how an Oracle DB supports Machine Learning, Blockchain, Graph, Spatial, JSON, REST among others. There will be a live demo showing examples of the above.

Oracle Champions

Live Developer Workshop: Oracle APEX +…

To PL/SQL or not to PL/SQL? It doesn’t matter anymore. Now you can utilize Oracle Database 21c’s new feature that allows you to write server-side JavaScript in your APEX applications.​ Join our interactive workshop to try it yourself.

Live Developer Workshop: Oracle APEX +…

For developers that know SQL and PL/SQL, no other framework is as empowering as Oracle Application Express (APEX).

Oracle Champions

Oxford and Oracle partner to speed…

The emergence of more infectious COVID-19 variants can slow the global recovery and thwart current vaccine immunity. Oracle is partnering with Oxford University to deliver a #cloud platform that will help researchers identify and get ahead of these threats.

Oxford and Oracle partner to speed…

Oracle is partnering with University of Oxford on a cloud platform that will speed the identification of COVID-19 variants. Delivering analysis within minutes, the technology will help governments and medical communities act on COVID-19 variants faster.

Oracle Champions

IT security is a matter of reputation—and survival

If your company’s most important #data remains on-premises rather than in the #cloud, you don’t stand much of a chance, at least in the long run, of keeping up with the well-financed profiteers and nation states that are after your crown jewels. That is, unless you have a phalanx of #security experts and barrels of money to throw at the problem. Here’s why.

IT security is a matter of reputation—and survival

Oracle JAPAC’s Garrett Ilg shares his thoughts on the inherent security advantages of cloud computing.

Oracle Champions

Designing JSON Document Model in Oracle…

Learn the top 10 tips for processing JSON in a database and view a live demonstration of Autonomous JSON Database Cloud Service. Join our live webinar to explore the best practices to support your application development.

Designing JSON Document Model in Oracle…

This session focuses on JSON design, modeling questions and best practices to support your application development.

Oracle Champions