JSON Masterclass for DBAs and Developers

Oracle`s LiveLab event on 7 July will explore how to use JSON to easily store and manage documents with the Oracle #database. Sign up to book your place.

JSON Masterclass for DBAs and Developers

Oracle LiveLab event on 7 July will explore how to use JSON to easily store and manage documents with the Oracle database. Sign up to book your place.

Oracle Champions

Get Started with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure…

Join this live developer lab on 24 June to explore together basic OCI services: Networking, Compute, Storage and more. Register now:

Get Started with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure…

Explore Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core Services, including Networking, Compute, Storage and more.

Oracle Champions

There’s a HeatWave for databases

Find out why VP and Principal Analyst, Holger Mueller of Constellation Research says, “Oracle has achieved quite an engineering feat with MySQL Database Service with HeatWave.”

There’s a HeatWave for databases

Leading cloud influencer Holger Mueller of Constellation Research shares a comprehensive analysis of MySQL HeatWave and concludes that “the resulting architecture is elegant, allowing the prioritization of queries to enable the Holy Grail of insight to action for enterprise decision-making.”

Oracle Champions