Barcamp HK 2008


Event details


BarCamp is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.

BarCamp 是個 自發、平實的研討會﹐讓大家有一個 開放的空間﹐彼此 分享 和 學習。這個活動 由參與者帶動﹐進行各式各樣的 討論、示範﹐讓大家打成一片。任何人 有點子 想獻給大家﹐或想找東西 學習﹐那就對了!歡迎您來參加!

Hong Kong BarCamp 2008

Details about last year’s BarCamp can be found at BarCampHongKong2007. Many thanks to all those who participated!

Learn More


Turner International, famed for Cartoon Networks and CNN, has offered to sponsor the venue. We’re looking to take the whole 30th floor of Oxford House for Saturday 6th September, 2008. If you’re on Facebook (who isn’t?), you can sign up for the event here.


Venue: 30/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay.

Hosted by Turner International Asia Pacific.

There will be five large conference rooms, two lounge areas, a coffee room and a bar. Free wifi is also provided.

Add your organization’s name below and contact one of the organizers.

Event tag: "barcamphk2008" 活動 標籤 : "barcamphhk2008"

Twitter hashtag: #barcamphk

When anybody tweets about BarcampHK they add the tag to the message. Allows people to search for relevant tweets.

Web 3.0 Beta

曾幾何時,有人問我甚麼是 web 2.0~~~~
當時我沒有回答,其實我也攪不懂正確的答案;跟 agent 一樣,這是個充滿 "noise" 的詞彙;一群人在解釋它,接著是一些有江湖地位的人去解釋它,再之後是一間有江湖地位的公司給它申請了 SM~~~~
其實最重要的問題是……. 它並不是一個像 RFC 、IEEE 或 ISO 的標準…….
咪玩啦,都唔係 standard….. 整鬼要 2.0 喎…… 咁 2.01, 2.1, 2.5 又點呢? 1.5 又去咗邊?  幾時有 3.0-beta 呀?
不過,再有人問我乜Q 0野係 WEB 2.0, 我應該會答: 係個 service mark 囉….. 自己去 patent & trademark 查啦……….
(為何會講起呢個話題? 話說今日我 IM 同人講開 facebook…. 另一吹漲事件,暫時不提…..)